A modern facility with a standard size ice surface, heated seating area, five dressing rooms, and large lobby with a concession booth.
The arena is home to local hockey teams, including the Red Lake Rams High School Hockey Team and the Red Lake Miners SIJHL Hockey Team. There is a strong community of recreational and commercial hockey leagues for men, women and children.
The arena is also home to Balmertown Figure Skating Club which offers a variety of ice skating lessons for skaters of all levels, including both recreation and competitive opportunities.
If you are interested in renting the arena for a sports league or special event please complete the Rental Agreement, which can be found in the Fees By-Law Schedule C - Cochenour Arena Ice Policy, Rates and Rental Agreement or you can contact Facilities Manager, Michel Labonte at:
michel.labonte@redlake.caSpecial Events may cancel your scheduled weekly activity—Do not assume --- Please check the schedule. After a Special Event is completed, the Arena reverts back to the normal schedule. If a Special Event runs over the allotted time, the schedule will be moved forward (clockwise). Any club/group/special event that goes over the allotted time shall be charged for their ice time and any extra hours worked by the Municipal Staff.
All Ice User Groups that schedule Blocked Time shall enter into a Contract with the Municipality of Red Lake. The Ice User Groups shall be billed twice a year (October and January) based on the Contracts. The Ice User Groups must provide to the Recreation Supervisor the name of the designated ice scheduler (including e-mail, phone and fax numbers) by October 1ST of each year. A copy of all league schedules must also be forwarded to the Recreation Office by October 1ST of each year. All regular leagues must provide Proof of Insurance to the Recreation Supervisor before the Arena Season commences.
Cancellation of ice time shall only be applicable if ice time is unavailable due to a facility-related problem (Christmas, March Break, power outage, emergency evacuation, mechanical breakdown, severe weather conditions).
Ice User Groups are responsible to find their own replacement for unused Blocked Time. The Recreation Department shall be notified of the replacement. The Ice User Group shall be billed for Blocked Time up until the replacement has entered into a Contract with the Municipality.
Scheduled and approved Special Events must be confirmed or cancelled in writing, during normal working hours, ten (10) days prior to the event. Please use the attached form ‘Special Event Confirmation Sheet’ for this purpose. The person who originally booked the facility must make Cancellation Notices of Special Events. Cancellation of Special Events must be received by mail, Telecopier (fax) or hand-delivered to the Recreation Supervisor. Cancellations of Special Events received after the deadline or not following the above-noted procedure will not be accepted by the Municipality of Red Lake and the group will be charged for the rental.
Municipal Staff reserves the right to cancel at any time events that are taking place at the facility if the operation of the facility should be deemed unsafe. Municipal Staff reserves the right to evacuate the building at any time due to a safety issue. Every User of the facility is responsible to share with their participants, the Cochenour Arena – Emergency Exits Map.
Individual Users requesting ice time shall complete a Contract, in writing, during normal working hours, ten (10) days prior to the requested ice time and must pay up front for usage. Please contact the Recreation Supervisor.
An hour booking is considered to be 50 minutes or less dependant on ice conditions. At the 45-minute mark, a warning buzzer will sound. Users must stop and leave the ice after the second buzzer. No one shall enter the ice surface until the other user is off the ice, maintenance is completed and the Municipal Staff has indicated that the ice is ready for use by means of the warning buzzer. All items shall be removed from the ice surface and all doors closed. Users will be responsible for damage to the ice resurfacer due to objects left on the ice surface.
In order to avoid any potential future legal action with respect to ice conditions, the flooding schedule for the Block Booking Season will be strictly adhered to and controlled only by the on-duty Municipal Staff. A flood will never be skipped and an additional flood may be performed if the on-duty Municipal Staff feels that it is warranted. The on-duty Municipal Staff will have the authority to make appropriate decisions relative to ice quality and reserves the right to flood the ice at their discretion. It is important to note that an appropriate and productive flood takes 10 minutes to perform. The on-duty Municipal Staff will not be influenced to complete faster floods, which will ultimately provide inferior and potentially dangerous ice conditions.
Special Event flooding must be arranged on Special Event Confirmation and may be altered by on-duty Municipal Staff as to ice quality and if special event is running on schedule. This may mean that the Special Event User may have to alter the Special Event to fit into the scheduled time frame.
Procedures for Eviction and Suspension within a Municipal Facility will be strictly adhered to.
The Cochenour Arena is a NON-smoking facility. This policy is strictly enforced. If the policy is violated, the following action will be taken:
1st offence will result in the person being suspended from the facility;
2nd offence will result in the team being suspended from the facility; and
3rd offence will result in the league being suspended from the facility.
Propane torches for aluminum sticks, etc. are not to be used on the premises.
The Sound Equipment, Time Clock Controller and Cordless Microphone must be arranged to be used and are to be used by authorized persons only. The person receiving the equipment will be responsible for its return to the Facility Office immediately after the end of the ice rental period. If there are any damages to this equipment, the User will be charged for repairs.
Dressing Room keys will only be issued to the Coach, Manager or Supervisor of the activity scheduled. The person receiving the key will be responsible for its return to the Facility Office. The use of keys is recommended, as the Municipality is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
All users are required to be out of the dressing rooms within 30-minutes after using the ice and the dressing room must be left in a Tidy manner—brooms and dustpans are available in the room for cleaning purposes. If the room is untidy or damaged, the individual/organization will be billed for the cost of repairs and or cleaning as each group is responsible for the cleanliness due to limited time between bookings.
All participants/spectators are requested to deposit garbage in cans provided in Arena and Dressing Rooms.
Red Lake Municipal Alcohol Policy states that the Arena floor surface is only eligible for a Special Occasions Permit for events only during non-skating seasons. ALCOHOL IS NOT PERMITTED IN THE BUILDING DURING SKATING SEASON . This is strictly enforced.
A pay telephone is available in the Lobby for Public use. Office telephones are restricted to Staff use only.
Individuals/organizations causing damage to any equipment/facility will be charged for cost of repairs.
All posters, decorations, etc. are to be put up on bulletin boards only. The use of tape, staples, tacks, etc. on walls is strictly prohibited.
Where tickets are sold for Special Events, the User shall post a sign with the following: The facility owners/arena and/or host club/organization shall not be held liable for any injury that may occur on this date. Each patron assumes risks associated with this spectator event/activity.
The User shall prior to the game/event and before the beginning of each period of any sporting event ensure that the following announcement is read over the public address system: Attention Fans! Be Aware that pucks/balls/sticks/equipment may leave the ice surface at any time which can cause serious injury. Please pay attention to the activities on the playing surface at all times.
Recreation Management reserves the right to provide community programming that benefits the Municipality of Red Lake Residents. This programming will consist of open skate, family skate and pay-to-plays to name a few. These programs will be part of every weekly schedule, but may not include all programs and may be cancelled due to Special Events. All users 18 years and under are required to wear a helmet with face shield for all pay-to-plays.
All groups are responsible for arranging and providing security to all major special events/tournaments/games/playoffs/sports camps. The Municipality of Red Lake does not provide security, and is not included in the Contract.
The concession is a contracted service at the Arena and the contractor has exclusive rights to sell food in the Arena. No other group is allowed to sell food other than the contractor for each season unless permission is given to the user group by the contractor and the Recreation Supervisor.
It is the discretion of the Recreation Supervisor to change or add to the above policy, as deemed appropriate or necessary.